Philadelphia Museum of Art
Another great clip from Municipal put together by Zach Sayles and Paul Overstrom, featuring Ricky Geiger, Sean Spellissy, Toly Bitny, Kris Arnold, Dylan Pearce, Matt Militano, Kevin Liedtke, Robb Estberg, Nick Wnorowski, Ethan Vayo, and Zach Sayles.
"The Philadelphia Museum of Art was chartered in 1876 for the Centennial Exposition and finally completed in 1928. Located at the northwest end of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway at Eakins Oval, the landmark building houses a world-renowned collection and is one of the largest in the world. Despite this, it’s best known by tourists as the site of the stairs that Sylvester Stallone runs up in Rocky I. The campus contains a variety of unique spots, though ongoing construction has rendered the upper plaza virtually unskateable".